Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Quiet Noise

It's funny when you sit in a public setting and just take things in.  Society could be and is its own show in itself-who needs TV! Go to a Starbucks, a Panera, or similar location and just take all the conversations in.  You have the eccentric, the loud, the quiet, the gossips, the businessman, the student, and the mothers circle.  Each have their own drama and storyline, whether it be who is getting divorced in the neighborhood, student studying for a big anatomy test, the business professional who thinks they are important as Donald trump-You're Fired!-and make sure everyone around them in involved in their phone conversation.  It is all a show and we should take it in once in awhile.  Use it as a basis of a reality check, sometimes you can get caught up in your own thoughts and drama to not realize you are not the only one.  Stay Positive, Be Positive, Live Positive!

Until next time.....

Monday, January 27, 2014

Keep Grindin!

Keep Grindin'!

Yep that's right I have joined the Blogger world.  Figured why not lets do it!  What you will see in any and all of these posts will be the basics of my life in and out.  Whether it is out on the trail on a run, or in the workplace as a always driving Real Estate Agent.  "Keep Grindin!" is the mantra, keeping it simple and when things get tough-don't want to continue-asking yourself "why the hell am I doing this?" just have to tell yourself KEEP GRINDIN'! DONT STOP.  Always maintaining a positive mindset, even when life deals you the ugly cards..make them work for you...  Hope you enjoy this and if you don't, guess that's the beautiful part of our society..FREEDOM TO EXPRESS, FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Leave yall with a little quote everytime...Todays?

"Failure is only postponed success as long as courage coaches ambition.  The habit of persistence is the habit of victory."
  -Herbert Kaufman